Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tithing and giving for more abundance and prosperity

Tithing is one of 4 spiritual laws of prosperity that is very important to your spiritual path towards prosperity and abundance.

Tithing is defined in the Bible as giving 10 percent of your income to whomever or whatever has given you spiritual food.  It is an age old wise practice for anyone looking to bring in more prosperity and abundance and flow into there life.

It is a practice of most all abundant and propsperous people.  Holding onto your money does not continue its flow into and out of your life.  When you get over the mindset of there wont be enough and hold onto your money you should be tithing, and finally let go of it, you are saying to the universe that you are allowing it to flow.

You will be surprised at how many things will just naturally flow into your life when you start tithing. it is a spiritual law in all parts of the world and religions.

Try it out and practice the art of letting go and flow with money in your life.  It works

Standing on your head for 10 minutes per day and you wont age and your life will be all around better.

Whether you can or cannot actually stand on your head is not the most important thing.  The important thing is to put your head below your heart for best results 10 minutes per day.  Keeping your head below your heart and if possible your feet above your head gives your heart a break.  When your head is below your heart, your heart doesn't have to pump the blood as hard. making your whole body relax giving it a break and allowing gravity to reverse itself in your favor.

Some good alternatives to head stand are shoulder stand and headstand with your feet still on the ground. 

keep breathing slow and controlled and it will come with time.  Just keep breathing relaxing and practicing

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Walking barefoot is essential to living a happy and healthy life.  Walk barefoot as much as possible for all around better health and well being.  Walking barefoot makes you feel young happy and free.  Walking barefoot especially on the grass the beach or the land gives you more of a connection to the earth, and gives you a natural reflexology massage at the same time.

walking barefoot on a regular basis is also healthy for the environment, shoes and sandals are produced with toxic chemicals from making the rubber and leather treatment.  If you use your shoes and sandals as little as possible your saving the environment by doing as little effort as possible.  Doing nothing is actually the best thing you can do for yourself and the environment.  Effortless living is the goal.  Never ending flow of natural ease and grace for a overall better more happy balanced life.

it makes you feel like a kid again and brings out the youth that has gotten trapped deep inside yourself through life.  Taking the time to remeber to walk barefoot as much as you can will give you that natural youthful glow, make you feel better and save the environment at the same time.

Kick off your shoes and sandals and let your inner child out to play and be happy living barefoot

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Give back to yourself the planet and everyone around you by using sustainable clean and Earth Friendly cleaning products for Earth day and everyday.

In honor of Dr. Shaklee and all of the other inspiring leaders for a clean planet home and body I will be offering


We believe that health isn't just about what you put in your body, it's about everything around you. We bring you a full line of natural and nontoxic cleaning choices that are Safe for You, Your Home, and Your Planet® called Get Clean®.
No harmful fumes or hazardous chemicals.
Rivals or outperforms 20 national leading brands.
You would spend $3400 for ready to use cleaners to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean Starter Kit!*
Features Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate - just 1/4 tsp. makes 16oz. of all-purpose cleaner for only 3 cents.
And when you purchase the Get Clean Starter Kit you also make a positive impact on the planet:
Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills.
Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to get rid of stress and tension with a self face massage

We all live in a sometimes if not constantly stressful world, deadlines, appointments, errands, work, school, kids, pets, traffic, relationships; whatever it is we all face stressful times.  But there are ways of dealing with it and self massage techniques that can get rid of the stress in a positive healthy way.  This article will teach you to relax enjoy being with yourself and how to give yourself a relaxing head and face massage. 
The first and highly important piece to you getting to relax unwind and let go into relaxation is your environment.   Find a spot, any spot were you can get comfortable maybe alone or near a silent partner.  If you live in a very crowded loud space learn to get creative in ways to escape.  Your parked car is always an option if you have noisy kids, pets or roommates.  Sometimes in the shower with the water turned off is an option.  Where ever your place is make it yours.  This is all about you making a deeper connection with yourself, taking time out to relax and give yourself the love you need.   Just like a meditation practice lay sit or rest in a comfortable position laying on your back is preferred because it allows most of the muscles in your body to let go of tension and relax. 
Start lying on your back on the floor on carpet or a rug or soft blanket close your eyes and focus only on breathing in to a count of 4 and breathing out to a count of 4.  Slow steady breaths in wave crashing on the shore, breath out wave going back to the ocean, steady slow and consistent.  Effortless breathing, let go of all thoughts and send yourself positive energy. 
Place your thumbs underneath your eyebrows just below the ridge of your forehead bone or frontal  bone under the eye sockets.  Feel a sensation as you press firmly but still soft on the pressure points.  These points when massaged regularly detox the body and get rid of stress very quickly.  Press and circle with counts of 3.  Press and circle 3 times repeat until any slight pain or sensation fades away into relaxation.  Follow the under part of the eyebrows pressing and circling 3 times until you come to the sides of your eyes by your temple.  Press and circle your temple 3-6 times.  Next move to the sides of your nostrils, using your index fingers press and circle 3 times.  Follow the under part of your cheek bones pressing and circling until you reach your ears.  Continue pressing and circling your masseter or jaw muscle all the way down following your mandible or jaw bone until you reach your chin.  Move around your mouth with larger circles massaging the cheeks in bigger circles.  Move back to your temples circling 3-6 times in forward and backward circles.  Next move to your forehead; massage in small circles moving your hands towards each other meeting at the center of your forehead.  Move your hands up a little bit starting at the center with both hands and moving towards your ears.  Continue back to the center part of your forehead massaging with small circles.  Move your fingers to the top of your head at the front of your hairline.  Massage the skull in small circles with strong but not stiff hands.  Next move to the ears circle around the ears then focus on the earlobes and ear itself.  Follow the underneath part of your jaw line end with pressing and squeezing your thyroid and parathyroid gland underneath your Adams apple.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meditation what it is and how it benefits you

                                                The benefits and meaning of meditation

Meditation wisely and accurately defined is “a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state” from an article titled The real meaning of meditation by Swami Rama. This article and various other writings from very well known yoga and meditation teachers or guru’s are trying to give you the easiest and simplest way of living a more balanced centered,  grounded  and happy life as possible.   This article will be giving some of the very basic instructions for beginning a meditation practice and some of many benefits it will have in your life.
A regular meditation practice can only bring out positive outcomes in your life; practiced regularly ideally at the same time and the same place everyday is the best way to gain ease into your regular daily practice.   With a regular and consistent practice you will begin to see yourself and your surroundings in a more calm, even , balanced , comfortable and positive way.  Meditation is a science followed in a particular order, has definite principles and produces results that can be verified.  It is the art of letting go and turning inward, focusing on the self to so each person can have a better understanding of themselves.
The benefits of meditation and yoga are being more relaxed and comfortable in many situations, loss of chronic pain due to stress and holding onto emotions in the body.   You will gain the ability of learning how to let go of past events in your life that are holding you back or limiting you in anyway.  You will also learn how to control and feel your body in a more systematic way focusing on the breath to relax and nourish the body.

The basics of beginning a regular and consistent meditation practice start with your space.  A quiet and clutter free space with no noise or distractions are the best.  It’s also best to practice at the same time in the same place every day to give you the best potential to meditating fully and comfortably. 
Begin by sitting cross legged on comfortable mats pillows or blankets.   You also can do this lying on your back on a comfortable mat or blanket.  First focus on the breath and the body; begin breathing through your diaphragm expanding the stomach in and out instead of the chest.  This allows the back chest and shoulders to relax more than by breathing through chest expansion.   Star to focus on the breath breathing in four seconds breathing out four seconds.  Balance the top of your head over the base of your spine stacking your vertebrae on top of each other feel the breath go up and down the spine to keep it strong and balanced.  For the first few minutes simply practice the art of letting go, scan and feel your body releasing and relaxing any stiff parts in your body, pure relaxation and bliss just let go and relax. 
The more time consuming part of a meditation practice is to learn how to let go of the mind.  The mind will wander and jump from random thought to random thought.  This is the process of learning to turn inward and discover a better self understanding.  Remember it is a process that takes time so dunt rush or push just let go and relax pure bliss.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Blog is to give you massage yoga and meditation techniques; to live a happier more balanced life.

 Lesson one Alternate Nostril Breathing.....

Alternate nostril breathing is a very effective exercise to bring your right and left hemispheres of the brain together, giving you more focus balance and peace. 

Sit in a comfortable lotus or Indian style posture imagine the base of your hips as having 4 corners balance on the front 2 or middle of the 4 corners.  Your spine is straight and long the top of your head is balanced over the base of your spine.  Shoulders are drawn back and down your spine the tips of your shoulders blades are trying to touch each other while opening the chest. 

Begin breathing through your nose slow steady breaths 4 seconds in 4-6 seconds out.  imagine 2 lines of energy coming in and out of your nostrils coming together at the point between your eyebrows.  Breath through both nostrils slow steady in 4 seconds out 4-6 seconds practice for 5 minutes.

 Bring your left hand to your nose thumb near left nostril  middle finger by right nostril.  Close the right nostril with middle finger, breath in left nostril to center point between the eyebrows close left nostril with thumb.  Exhale out right nostril, inhale right nostril to center point between eyebrows, close right nostril exhale out left nostril inhale though left nostril and repeat.  5-20 minutes is an effective time to get the feel for the exercise.  The best times to practice are first thin in the morning and right before bedtime.

This exercise when practiced on a consistent basis will reduce your stress level, balance your clarity of thought rid the body of excess tension and help you live with more balance and control. 
