Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Blog is to give you massage yoga and meditation techniques; to live a happier more balanced life.

 Lesson one Alternate Nostril Breathing.....

Alternate nostril breathing is a very effective exercise to bring your right and left hemispheres of the brain together, giving you more focus balance and peace. 

Sit in a comfortable lotus or Indian style posture imagine the base of your hips as having 4 corners balance on the front 2 or middle of the 4 corners.  Your spine is straight and long the top of your head is balanced over the base of your spine.  Shoulders are drawn back and down your spine the tips of your shoulders blades are trying to touch each other while opening the chest. 

Begin breathing through your nose slow steady breaths 4 seconds in 4-6 seconds out.  imagine 2 lines of energy coming in and out of your nostrils coming together at the point between your eyebrows.  Breath through both nostrils slow steady in 4 seconds out 4-6 seconds practice for 5 minutes.

 Bring your left hand to your nose thumb near left nostril  middle finger by right nostril.  Close the right nostril with middle finger, breath in left nostril to center point between the eyebrows close left nostril with thumb.  Exhale out right nostril, inhale right nostril to center point between eyebrows, close right nostril exhale out left nostril inhale though left nostril and repeat.  5-20 minutes is an effective time to get the feel for the exercise.  The best times to practice are first thin in the morning and right before bedtime.

This exercise when practiced on a consistent basis will reduce your stress level, balance your clarity of thought rid the body of excess tension and help you live with more balance and control.